Portrait Of A Seeker Of Essence

Blog for the novel, "Portrait Of A Seeker Of Essence," which is about a few years in the life of a musician and his personal and spiritual changes. The novel can be read at www.portraitofaseekerofessence.name. Please feel free to post comments on a chapter by chapter basis, before you've finished reading the entire novel. Please use reasonable language. Thanks - Russell Kolish, Author - Click on the lowest thread title on the left and ten additional titles will come up.


T30 - Resolution - C 8

Resolution is an ideal. You can never really have it. You can only shoot for it. Whether it's in a romantic relationship or spiritual, one can only seek it and never obtain it completely at least in a larger sense. Oh, we can have small resolutions here and there, even on a daily or weekly basis as in business, and these are satisfying for a moment or two. They are merely portents of the end point of larger resolutions: death. At the end of a small resolution what happens is we move onwards into another problem or another area of life and leave behind the considerations which led to the smaller resolution. That is the death of that process, those considerations and that resolution. Hopefully we learned something from it which we can apply to our next step in life. So it goes on and on until we cease to be. I had an Aunt who died. Just before she died she told me that she had discovered something and wanted to tell me what it was. Unfortunately she died before I saw her again. I've always speculated about what it could have been.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Otto from Scranton

So each new resolution is a death and a rebirth until we get to the last one? What about reincarnation? Where does our last resolution go? It moves on to the next person or group as a Meme. A Meme is almost a living thing. So Memes are transition spirits that take ideas from person to person - the Holy Ghost of concepts. Therefore concepts never die. People never die either. Like undying concepts they are transported into other people via a little understood process called reincarnation whereupon they spring back to life again. How do you think we get schizophrenics?

2:43 AM  

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